Monday, August 27, 2007

What a Lovely Way to Start the Day

On Friday morning I was waiting for the bus on one of four corners on a west<->east street. On one corner is a postal station, on another a drug store and on the other is a Sunoco station. Bright yellow sign, can't miss it. Best Buy has a yellow sign but this is much too small to be a Best Buy and locals know there isn't one in the area.

I'm reading a book ("Dead Ex" by Harley Jane Kozak) and not paying attention to the traffic until I notice a sports car going south-north (i.e. he's driving from sidewalk to sidewalk). The car is making noise - I don't know much about cars but this noise doesn't sound good to me. All I can think is "Great, he'll stall and the bus won't be able to get by him".

The guy starts waving to me and telling me he needs gas. My response is "So get gas; what the fuck are you telling me for?" His response was "Shut up you fat cow" and he zooms off right past the gas station.

Now maybe I shouldn't have said "fuck" but he didn't need to insult me. I still have no idea why he felt it necessary to inform me he needed gas. If he couldn't see the gas station from less than 20 feet away, he shouldn't have a license.

I did think "well, he's got a sports car and a dick (a very small one)"; a co-worker thought it had something to do with the thunder and lightning the previous night (so I decided he got hit by lightning).

Thoughts? "Fun" experiences with drivers? Pedestrians?