Monday, April 23, 2007

More radio station wins

In an auction on The Bear I won a pass to the premiere of "Next".

This morning at 5am on KISS, I won the dvd of "All That Jazz".

Movies I'm Looking Forward to Part 3

On Sat. I went to see Fracture - - Anthony Hopkins, Ryan Gosling. Definitely worth seeing.

I came late for the previews and came in during the middle of the one for Hairspray - I don't see a reason for remaking it yet but it's got John Travolta so I'll probably see it.

Also saw one for Martian Child - - John Cusack, Joan Cusack, Amanda Peet - that looks good. I was disappointed to find out this morning that it's not opening until Oct.

Thursday, April 19, 2007

Somebody doesn't want me to get a flat panel monitor Part 2

My VCR has decided it only wants to record on days that start with "T" (and
I'm not even sure about "Thursday" yet). It plays fine (most of the time; a
couple of weeks ago it recorded a show but wouldn't play the tape back). My
2nd vcr plays fine but can only tape in 2-hour mode which isn't good when I
go out of town for a few days.

It seems silly to buy a vcr these days (Future Shop and Best Buy had only
one model - a JVC...JVC doesn't record in 4-hour mode but then again how
often does anybody use 4-hour mode? $85).

If I get a DVD recorder, I'd want it to be able to record both +/-R/RW and
use pretty much any brand of dvds (I usually use Fujis but generally get the
name brand that is on sale). It has to be able to multi-channel tape.

What features are essential?

A combo would probably be more to save space because I doubt I'd transfer
many, if any, videotapes to dvd.

My budget is around $200 Canadian (there goes the flat panel monitor
*again*) so a combo is probably out anyway as would a recorder with a hard

A PVR would add an extra $20 or so to my monthly cable bill; not an expense
I need.

John Fogerty

John Fogerty is coming to town in July. I'm a long-time Creedence/Fogerty fan but have never seen him or the band in concert. The pre-sale for people who collect points on a couple of the radio stations started 10 minutes ago and I got 9th row, floor, centre section! Woo hoo!

Friday, April 6, 2007

"The Hoax"

Last night I went to the premiere of The Hoax (

Before the movie I won a goody bag! Usually one of the hosts picks numbers and the people with those ticket numbers win. But when one particular radio announcer shows up, he gets people to play games. I volunteered because I figured he'd do the same thing he did the last time - "Jeff Says" (just like "Simon Says" but the guy's name is Jeff) and everybody wins. One guy put up his hand and went down to the front. Jeff sent him back because he hadn't picked him - and then picked the guy's wife. Smart woman - pushes her husband to go down and gets him sent back so she can play. We didn't play "Simon Says"; we had a scavenger hunt. Blue pen (no problem), red lipstick (I don't wear any makeup so I didn't have; a nice woman loaned me hers and started telling me about it - "it's organic". Very nice - actually that it's organic is nice - but I was giving it back to her so I didn't need details), used kleenex (guess what was in my pocket). In the goody bag - a CHEZ t-shirt, a KISS baseball cap (the 2 radio stations that sponsored the premiere) and a trade paperback of "The Hoax" by Clifford Irving.

The movie. Too bad it was released so early; by Oscar time the Academy voters will have forgotten that Alfred Molina stole the movie from Richard Gere. More profanity than my mother would care to hear but that's probably what does go on behind closed doors of corporations. And at a time when business was still a boys club, the women probably had to swear as much as the men to fit in.

I didn't know about the Nixon connection nor the real reason for the Watergate break-in.

I think the lesson to be learned here is that if you're going to write a fake (auto)biography don't write it about somebody as powerful as Howard Hughes.

I don't know if it was deliberate or a coincidence that the premiere was on the anniversary of Howard Hughes' death (April 5, 1976),

Good movie - definitely worth seeing.