Friday, April 6, 2007

"The Hoax"

Last night I went to the premiere of The Hoax (

Before the movie I won a goody bag! Usually one of the hosts picks numbers and the people with those ticket numbers win. But when one particular radio announcer shows up, he gets people to play games. I volunteered because I figured he'd do the same thing he did the last time - "Jeff Says" (just like "Simon Says" but the guy's name is Jeff) and everybody wins. One guy put up his hand and went down to the front. Jeff sent him back because he hadn't picked him - and then picked the guy's wife. Smart woman - pushes her husband to go down and gets him sent back so she can play. We didn't play "Simon Says"; we had a scavenger hunt. Blue pen (no problem), red lipstick (I don't wear any makeup so I didn't have; a nice woman loaned me hers and started telling me about it - "it's organic". Very nice - actually that it's organic is nice - but I was giving it back to her so I didn't need details), used kleenex (guess what was in my pocket). In the goody bag - a CHEZ t-shirt, a KISS baseball cap (the 2 radio stations that sponsored the premiere) and a trade paperback of "The Hoax" by Clifford Irving.

The movie. Too bad it was released so early; by Oscar time the Academy voters will have forgotten that Alfred Molina stole the movie from Richard Gere. More profanity than my mother would care to hear but that's probably what does go on behind closed doors of corporations. And at a time when business was still a boys club, the women probably had to swear as much as the men to fit in.

I didn't know about the Nixon connection nor the real reason for the Watergate break-in.

I think the lesson to be learned here is that if you're going to write a fake (auto)biography don't write it about somebody as powerful as Howard Hughes.

I don't know if it was deliberate or a coincidence that the premiere was on the anniversary of Howard Hughes' death (April 5, 1976),

Good movie - definitely worth seeing.

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