Thursday, April 19, 2007

Somebody doesn't want me to get a flat panel monitor Part 2

My VCR has decided it only wants to record on days that start with "T" (and
I'm not even sure about "Thursday" yet). It plays fine (most of the time; a
couple of weeks ago it recorded a show but wouldn't play the tape back). My
2nd vcr plays fine but can only tape in 2-hour mode which isn't good when I
go out of town for a few days.

It seems silly to buy a vcr these days (Future Shop and Best Buy had only
one model - a JVC...JVC doesn't record in 4-hour mode but then again how
often does anybody use 4-hour mode? $85).

If I get a DVD recorder, I'd want it to be able to record both +/-R/RW and
use pretty much any brand of dvds (I usually use Fujis but generally get the
name brand that is on sale). It has to be able to multi-channel tape.

What features are essential?

A combo would probably be more to save space because I doubt I'd transfer
many, if any, videotapes to dvd.

My budget is around $200 Canadian (there goes the flat panel monitor
*again*) so a combo is probably out anyway as would a recorder with a hard

A PVR would add an extra $20 or so to my monthly cable bill; not an expense
I need.

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