Friday, March 30, 2007

Somebody doesn't want me to get a flat panel monitor

I was planning to buy a flat panel monitor a couple of months ago when my computer decided to give me problems. After an extended stay in the service department it came home with a new hard drive (magically, it was twice the size of the one it replaced) but took the $$ I'd saved for the monitor.

So I was going to treat myself to a monitor with a portion of my income tax refund. I'm looking around but haven't decided on which monitor to get. Probably a good thing. This morning when I went to play the tape of last night's Davd Letterman, the vcr that taped it turned off after I pressed play. It played fine in the vcr that will only tape in 2-hour mode (so is pretty useless for taping but is fine for copying tapes). Since it played in the 2nd vcr, my guess is the problem is with the vcr, not the tape (I haven't tested any other tapes yet). And it may not be long before it won't tape any more either.

Now the question is - do I buy a new vcr? a dvd recorder? upgrade my digital box to a pvr? The latter isn't an affordable option - either $400 for the box or an extra $20/month on my cable bill.

I want to be able to multichannel tape. Can I do this with a dvd recorder or a pvr?

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