Monday, May 21, 2007

The flat panel monitor story comes to an end

For those of you who have been following the saga of my trying to buy a flat panel monitor only to have first my hard drive and then my vcr die on me, you'll be glad to know that I did buy a monitor on Saturday.

I went to look at a Viewsonic 19" widescreen ($243) but it wasn't in stock. The salesperson offered to order it for me and I was going to do that but then another salesperson told me that for $27 more I could get a Viewsonic 22" widescreen. I couldn't resist. It's a refurb but it works fine.
It's lovely. I can see more on the screen. And it's great for the tv shows I download (shh!). I can open them up full screen in RealPlayer with no loss of quality.

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