Sunday, May 27, 2007

I love a good bargain!

I was coming home from grocery shopping this morning and passed a yard sale. I had to check it out. There was a George Foreman Grill (bigger than the one I have - the smallest one). I thought the tag said $10.00 which is a good deal; then I realized it said $1.00! The seller assured me it worked fine so I bought it. Can't beat that. It doesn't have the scraper or the drip catcher but I already have those.

Anybody in the Ottawa area go to the Great Glebe Garage Sale yesterday? Did you get any good deals?

What's the best deal you ever got at a garage sale or flea market?

1 comment:

Jan (from VA) said...

Good deal!

About 15 years ago, I bought a huge electric weed eater (not the itty bitty width one that I could afford new) at a yard sale. Of course, I tried it out and immediately saw that the dingbats who were selling it had put the cover on backwards so that all the debris flew towards their feet instead of away, as designed. I immediately paid my $2 (instead of the about $50 it was worth), went home and put the cover on correctly, and am still using it regularly to this day! :-)