Wednesday, March 7, 2007

I started a blog (with apologies to The Bee Gees)

I don't like blogs but since I'm currently on a contract where I don't have email access and can't get to Yahoo! Groups to see mailing list messages, I figured this would be a good way to keep in touch with people.

However, since I'm at work, nobody except some co-workers will know about this blog until I get home.


Joyce said...

Oooh, not so. The 'Maniacs know now. Hey, thanks for the link. I added you to my blog as well. I hope you don't mind that I named you "Perpetually 29." ;-)

flash29 said...

I meant to tell you that I'd added a link for your blog.

What's wrong with "Perpetually 29"? I *am* perpetually 29.

And it's going around. Last week a friend told me she'd be the same age as me the next day. I told her she'd be older than me next year. She said she was stopping at 29.

Joyce said...

I must've caught it, too. 'Cause we all know I'm only 29, a mere tyke.

rhondda said...

hi, Elaine!

your little secret is out.


flash29 said...

Yay, rhondda's here!

Joyce said...

JoyciePoo? Hell no! Me be da Hapless Tiggah, homegirl!

flash29 said...

Don't worry. I wouldn't want to have to explain to people why I have a friend named "Joyciepoo".

vipervenum said...

Flash29: how did you find out blog.

flash29 said...

I'm guessing you mean "our" as in the CHEZ blog...I was sending out codes to friends and got tired of deciding who wanted codes from which station so I started a mailing list and told some people about it. One person emailed me with the url for the blog.

Marina said...

Hi Mom!

flash29 said...


You get to explain this. But let me start you off -

A long long time ago in a galaxy far far away...

Marina said...

There was this thing called the Trek echo where a bunch of kids used to hang out. They all had "Echo" mom's that looked out for them and offered advice to them when they asked. Well by the time I got there Elaine was the only Echo mom left who didn't have kids. So I got "adopted" by her. Being part Irish and French Canadian helps though. ;)