Thursday, March 22, 2007

Radio Station Points

I collect points on several of the local radio stations. You get these points by knowing songs that were played at certain times, listeners' names that were said on the air, bonus codes, doing online surveys, clicking on advertisers' websites. Points can then be exchanged for prizes - movie passes, dvds, concert tickets, radio station merchandise, etc.

Until yesterday I was only successful at getting movie passes. They're pretty easy - between the radio stations, newspapers,, and whoever else gives them out - there are more passes to get than there are seats in the theatres. The production company wants a "sell out". Of the 5 premieres I've been to with passes, I think people were only turned away from one.

But I digress.

Whenever I've tried to win a dvd or concert tickets, I'm lucky if I can log in to the station's website or, if I can, if I can even get the chance to click on the "buy" button. Usually I don't see the button and by the time the page refreshes, the item is sold out. Twice I've been able to click on the "buy" button but the item was sold out before my transaction completed.

Yesterday I got lucky. One of the stations doesn't post the onsale time on their webpage - you have to listen to the station. I don't. But I noticed they were selling (out) their basketball movies yesterday and just happened to be on the page when the "buy" button was displayed for "Hoosiers" (2DVD version). Clicked and won!

Of course now I don't have many points left on that station and probably won't have enough when the Stargate Atlantis 2nd season DVD boxset goes on sale. But there will be lots of bonus codes this weekend so maybe I will.

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