Wednesday, March 21, 2007

Last night's "Boston Legal"

There was a character in last night's episode, "The Bride Wore Blood", with the same last name as me (spelled differently according to

That makes 3 tv shows my name has been used in. The first was "Nemesis", an episode of "Star Trek: Voyager" (the cute bad guy had my name). The 2nd was the season 2 premiere, if I remember correctly, of "Star Trek: Enterprise" (the crew were locked in their quarters and my namesake crawled through the Jeffries tube).

Have you ever been on tv?


Jan (from VA) said...

Yeah, I heard them say your name - I just assumed (ahem) that it was spelled the same as yours. I've never been on TV, but I've been in a couple of Elaine Viets' books! :-)

flash29 said... could be wrong...I wondered if it had something to do with the person I spoke to from the show but I don't think I told her my last name so it had to be a coincidence.

I've been in one of Viets' books too!