Wednesday, March 7, 2007

Next contract

This morning I took some time off work to register with yet another agency (I had applied for a specific job they'd posted on Looks like if there's an election I have another contract a week after this one finishes (I could start right away but Passover and Easter screw that up).

The election hasn't been called yet; the government hasn't fallen to a non-confidence motion but - the Conservatives (boo, hiss) are playing Liberal attack ads (why would there be attack ads if there's no election?); Justin Trudeau has announced he'll run in the next election (no point in announcing his intentions if the election is a few years down the road). Maybe the Conservatives think that since the Liberals recently elected a new leader, they're not completely organized yet and an election now will give them a majority or a bigger minority.

The job - same one I did for Elections Canada a couple of years ago. Data entry for people applying for Special Voting Rights (people who aren't in the area where they vote at election time - out of the country, studying in another city; Nelly Furtado who figures she'll get mobbed if she goes to the poll). If things haven't changed in the last couple of years - no headphones while we're working, no Internet access at all (or limited to EC's site and Canada Post to check postal codes), breaks and lunch are at specific times and timed almost to the second. OTOH, there's very little work until the day of the deadline to get in the application (and maybe a couple of days before) so as long as we show up EC is happy. We can read, chat with people around us, play cards, etc. Last time I averaged a book/day and talked to everybody around me.

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